"The Burewala Express," named so after his hometown in central Punjab, Waqar Younis has brought back the danger, the fear, and the devastation into fast bowling that was associated with greats like Marshall, Holding, Imran and Lillie at the peak of their careers. After an innocuous performance in his debut against India at home in 1989, Waqar stormed onto the international scene in 1990, with his amazing feats at the dull Sharjah wicket, and has since then, when fully fit, been possibly the most feared bowler in recent history. Waqar`s career has been interrupted by a recurring back problem, which caused him to miss the 1992 World Cup, and most of the 1995 cricketing year. Despite this, Waqar holds the record for reaching 200 wickets in the least number of Tests jointly with Dennis Lillie. Waqar specializes in moving the old ball a long way both into and away from the batsman. His inswinging yorkers have been referred to as "toe-crushers," to the validity of which many batsmen can testify.
Career Statistics
M I NO Runs HS Ave 100 50 Ct St
68 92 19 746 45 10.21 - - 11 -
Bowling O M R W Ave Best 5W 10W SR Econ
2203 427 7045 313 22.50 7-76 21 5 42.2 3.19
M I NO Runs HS Ave 100 50 Ct St
199 105 36 738 37 10.69 - - 23 -
O M R W Ave Best 4w 5w SR Econ
1636.2 109 7497 316 23.72 6-26 12 10 31.0 4.58
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